thomas donino
I am trying to accomplish the following using checkboxes on a userform
1. Scan all the check boxes (there are currently 5, 4 with email addresses)
2. Create a string with the email addresses in the checkboxes that are checked
i am doing this by looking for the "@" in the string
The code below is doing that EXCEPT it is also picking up the string from
the non email checkbox
It is operating from a command button
Sub SendEmailBtn_Click()
Dim CBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim RBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim strReceipients As String
Dim MsgBody As String
'check to see what checkboxes are checked and add that email to the string
in recipients
For Each CBCtrl In RndmemailFrm.Controls
'If TypeOf CBCtrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
If TypeName(CBCtrl) = "CheckBox" Then
If CBCtrl.Object.Value = True Then
If InStr(Ctrl.Caption, "@") > 0 Then
strReceipients = strReceipients & ";" & CBCtrl.Caption
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox strReceipients
End Sub
1. Scan all the check boxes (there are currently 5, 4 with email addresses)
2. Create a string with the email addresses in the checkboxes that are checked
i am doing this by looking for the "@" in the string
The code below is doing that EXCEPT it is also picking up the string from
the non email checkbox
It is operating from a command button
Sub SendEmailBtn_Click()
Dim CBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim RBCtrl As MSForms.Control
Dim strReceipients As String
Dim MsgBody As String
'check to see what checkboxes are checked and add that email to the string
in recipients
For Each CBCtrl In RndmemailFrm.Controls
'If TypeOf CBCtrl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then
If TypeName(CBCtrl) = "CheckBox" Then
If CBCtrl.Object.Value = True Then
If InStr(Ctrl.Caption, "@") > 0 Then
strReceipients = strReceipients & ";" & CBCtrl.Caption
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox strReceipients
End Sub