differnet "numbering format" at the same level



If I want to have examples and theorems follow the same numbering sequence,
i.e., ex1, ex2, thm3, ex4...etc, I let them at the same level of, say
heading4 (level4). That is, heading 4 now has a number format of "ex", then
after ex4 if I want to have thm5 I just select heading4 and change the number
format to "thm" and apply changes to "current paragraph".

Now all the titles "ex" and "thm" are identified as heading4 (level4),
although if I click on any "thm" it will highlight only the titles "thm".

question 1 is: how I search for "thm" in my document (since if I search for
heading4 all "ex" and "thm" will be found since word will search by the
heading not the "number format".

question 2 is: Also, If I want to change all "thm" to follow a stand-alone
numbering, i.e., ex1, ex2, thm1, ex3, thm2, thm3, ex4...etc. what should I do?

I want a smarter way than searching on heading, item by item, and when I
find "thm" not "ex" I change it manually.

Margaret Aldis

Hi Waleed

If you want to share the numbering sequence, with different prefixes, you
would be best using a field for the number. You can either use a SEQ field
or a named LISTNUM field. SEQs need to be updated when you insert or delete
within the sequence. LISTNUMs will update automatically but use the somewhat
less robust autonumbering (as in numbered styles).

The trick you are using is bound to lead to problems if you copy and paste.
It sounds like you are managing to get a separate List for the thm (if
highlighting the numbers is really showing all the thms) but in that case
you must effectively be setting the numbers by hand. This is going to fly

If you decide to use a separate numbering sequence for ex and thm (more
logical, in my opinion) then all you need to do is set up two separate
styles, each with its own numbering.

Complications arise if you want to use the built-in heading styles as these
always link to their "matching" outline level. So you will need to use level
4, say, for the ex sequence and level 5 for the thm sequence, but unset the
"restart after" level so that each continues unaffected by the other.

On your specific questions, you could use a macro to step through all
numbered paragraphs and test the format, but I don't think it is worth the
effort, especially as you will need to reapply a style to the ex sequence as
well as the thm. I would use Outline View to proof through the current
Heading 4s, then apply the appropriate style to each.

For more information on how to set the styles up safely, see


If this were my document, I would paste a copy into a fresh document shell
after tidying up the styles to lose what by now must be a rats' nest of List

Stefan Blom

Assuming that you want theorems and examples formatted with the
Heading 4 style, I'd suggest that you leave this style unnumbered, and
instead manually type "Example" or "Theorem" (whichever is required)
and use a SEQ field for the numbering.

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