Difficult problem (for me !) Lookup or something that i need to use ???



Hi there,

- The range (see near the end of this mail) where all the "X" are in is called "Risks" (a,b,c,... & Step 1,... Step X are not included in ths range).
- The line with the text a,b,c,d,e,f,...above the range "Risks" have all text in them (example d= "Electricity")
- The cells in the left "Step 1",... refer to a sheet : example sheet "Step 1".

What is it that i want to achieve ? :

-Row (Step 1) : The range where "d" and "g" refer to have to be copied to Sheet 1. (so cells in the range "Risk" with a "X" in it, the "X" can be in 0 cells in a row, or max in all the cells, so this not a fixed set-up.).
-Row (Step 2) : The range where "b" and "e" refer to have to be copied to Sheet 2
-Last Row (Step x) : the range where "c" refers to have to be copied to Sheet x.

PS :
1.The range "Risks" addapts itself to the number of steps
2.Example : the range where cell "d" is referring to ("d" refers to a range "Electricity" in the a sheet called "Master") needs to be copied to the sheet "Step 1"
So the range "Electricity" from sheet "Master" needs to be copied to the sheet "Step 1"

a b c d e f g
Step 1 ....... I I I I X I I I X I
Step 2 .... I I X I I I X I I I
Step X ...... I I I X I I I I I

I I = a cell
I X I = a cell with a X in it

I wanted to add a screenshot, but is that possible ??

Thanxxxx, because i do not know how i have to do this...

Rob van Gelder

Your description was incredibly difficult to follow.

It would be easier if you supplied a real example, instead of using a template.

Supply instructions so that I can build the sheet on my computer
eg A2 = Master, A3 = Supply, B1 = Price, C1 = Energy, D1 = Electricity, etc...

Also, where on the destination sheet are these values pasted?



Adding the file would be the best way, but that is not possible, or.....???




[there are multiple usergroups that post the same listings. If yo
don't use THECODECAGE go to this webpage


Reply to your posting. The bottom of the reply box there is a butto
labeled "Manage Your Attachments". You can atttach either a scree
shot, a data file (*.txt) or a workbook

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