difficulties connecting to exchange



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am running Entourage 2008 with our corporate exchange, worked fine on my old MacBook Pro (latest OS and Office patch)

Now got my new MacBook and for some reason Entourage keep on saying the authentication fails and ask to re enter password.

Any ideas?

Michel Bintener

Use Spotlight to find an application called Keychain Access. This
application stores the passwords used by Entourage (among others), and it
seems as if the keychain was corrupted. Perform basic maintenance (Keychain
Access>Keychain First Aid), restart your Mac and see if that solves the

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am running Entourage 2008 with our corporate exchange, worked fine on my old
MacBook Pro (latest OS and Office patch)

Now got my new MacBook and for some reason Entourage keep on saying the
authentication fails and ask to re enter password.

Any ideas?

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)

*** Please always reply to the newsgroup. ***


Thanks Michel,

but that does not work, maybe I didn't describe the problem properly, it keeps on popping nad asking for the password.

also it is sporadic, sometime it works fine, some time not.

Any ideas?



Thanks Diane,

I have seem to have solved the problem, in a very bizarre way...

Since I had 2 macs, running the same os version and the same entourage version, one one mac it was working perfectly and on the other not I started thinking about the difference between the 2 configuration, and the only difference was that on the mac that didn't work, the exchange was the only account defined. So I defined another account (my gmail) and it worked... go figure...

Diane Ross

ipollak@officeformac.com said:
Since I had 2 macs, running the same os version and the same entourage
version, one one mac it was working perfectly and on the other not I started
thinking about the difference between the 2 configuration, and the only
difference was that on the mac that didn't work, the exchange was the only
account defined. So I defined another account (my gmail) and it worked... go

I saw a similar report where they used a new Identity to connect then the
old Identity worked. Send & Receive are the most troublesome of problems to
fix since there are so many variables.

Thanks for sharing. I'll add it to my arsenal of options to suggest.

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