difficulty with installation of ProjectServer



Problem: Installing ProjectServer 2003 on two machines in dev environment.
Step 1: Set up Database server, installed SQL 2000, sp3a and Analysis
Services w/ sp3a.
Step 2: installed Windows SPS on second box, ran ProjectServer install for
SPS setup.
Step 3: on the Database server, installed Views portion of Project Server.

Now, I return to ProjectServer box and try to install the rest of Project
Server. The wizard asks for the location of the ViewDrop share that was
setup during Step 3. I give it the name of the share, and a username and
password which have access to that share. The error returned is "5: Access
is Denied".

I have verified the following.
1. I can get to the share on the Database box from the ProjectServer box by
using the run commnad.
2. The account under which I am trying to access the share is on the ACL for
that share, is not locked out and is valid on the domain.
3. When I look at the sessions manager on the second box, I see a session
created to the target share under MY username, not the account name I am
entering in the wizard.
4. If I cancel the wizard and start again, I get an error 1219 which states
that multiple connections to a share under a single user name are not
permitted. If I go to the Database box, kill the session in the session
manager, come back to the first box and rerun the wizard, I continue to get
1219. However, if I reboot the ProjectServer box, I go back to the error 5,
access is denied.

The kicker -- our service accounts are created in a dotted pattern, i.e.

Any takers on this one? Or am I missing something simple.

Thank you in advance

John Willard
VA Dept. of Transportation


Thanks, but that did not work. Same errors as before.

However, if I put the service account in the administrators group on both
servers, then logon to the Project Server as that account, then run the
install, it works. Microsoft -- is this the way it is supposed to be? This
seems very cumbersome and insecure.

John Willard
VA Dept of Transportation

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)

The account you're logged in as to do the installation must be a member of
the local administrator's group on both servers. Is your account not a local


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the book on Project Server



My personal account was in the administrators group on both machines,
through my membership in the central admins group. However, I had to add the
service account under which Project Server would be running (I do not want
it running under my account -- I might be fired next week <G>). After adding
the service account to both admin groups, I logged onto the server on which
I was going to install PS2003 and ran the install. Now everything works OK.
I am of the opinion that the service account should be able to work with
lesser privileges. Something the folks at MS might look at for a revision?

Thanks for your help and for working with me through this problem.

John Willard
Senior Architect
Virginia Department of Transportation

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