Digit Grouping for Cost Fields



I would like to change the currency format of Cost fields to 99,99,999. I
tried changing the digit grouping option in regional settings on the control
panel to the above format but it doesn't seem to help. MS Project Cost fields
continue to display in the default format 9,999,999. How can I do this?


kvidy said:
I would like to change the currency format of Cost fields to 99,99,999. I
tried changing the digit grouping option in regional settings on the control
panel to the above format but it doesn't seem to help. MS Project Cost fields
continue to display in the default format 9,999,999. How can I do this?

Ok, I give, what kind of cost is represented by xx,xx,xxx?

Project MVP


kvidy said:
That was funny!! Sorry.....what I meant was 99,99,999.99
Now, can you help?

Well, the question still holds. What kind of cost is represented by
xx,xx,xxx? After we understand what you are trying to do, then maybe we
can help you.


Steve House [Project MVP]

As John said, the comma is usually a thousands separator. (Or if you're
French, the period is the thousands and the comma is the decimal.) So
99,999,999.99 makes sense but a two digit number in the thousands place,
99,99,999.99, doesn't. No offense.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs


Steve & John,

I'm referring to Indian Currency (Rupees......Paise). There is
Hundreds...thousands...Lakhs....Crores representation, which goes like that.
Rs. 99,99,99,999.99 would typically mean Rupees Ninety Nine Crores and
Ninety Nine Lakhs and Ninety Nine Thousands and Nine Hundreds and Ninety Nine
and Paise Ninety Nine. I Hope this answers your question.


I Customized Currency Regional Settings to the digit grouping I wanted (ie.
12,34,56,789), but the change does not take effect in Project.


kvidy said:
I Customized Currency Regional Settings to the digit grouping I wanted (ie.
12,34,56,789), but the change does not take effect in Project.

Thank you for finally providing a good explanation of why you need to
use that specific digit grouping for cost - for all we knew, you might
have been trying to do some unique cost processing that could be done
another way. Unfortunately, my guess is the regional settings are not
taking effect because the particular version of Project you are using is
set up for a customary thousands separator. I don't know this for a fact
but perhaps an Indian version of Project will accept the cost group
setting you need.

Another alternative is to use a spare text field. Then using a formula
or VBA, parse the cost into two character strings with commas inserted
where desired. It's not real elegant but it will get you there. Note:
the Format statement won't work because it also is set up with a comma
as a thousands separator.

Project MVP


Many Thanks for the clarification.

John said:
Thank you for finally providing a good explanation of why you need to
use that specific digit grouping for cost - for all we knew, you might
have been trying to do some unique cost processing that could be done
another way. Unfortunately, my guess is the regional settings are not
taking effect because the particular version of Project you are using is
set up for a customary thousands separator. I don't know this for a fact
but perhaps an Indian version of Project will accept the cost group
setting you need.

Another alternative is to use a spare text field. Then using a formula
or VBA, parse the cost into two character strings with commas inserted
where desired. It's not real elegant but it will get you there. Note:
the Format statement won't work because it also is set up with a comma
as a thousands separator.

Project MVP

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