Digital Signature Is Lost When You Save Word Document


Spencer Baie

I am losing VBA script digital signatures on some Word
2000 documents when they are saved and recalled. This
problem was described for Word 2000 in article:;en-

See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 220806 Cause 3 -
background saves

I am using Word 2002 SP2. The script is located in the
document project. The script is an AutoOpen macro. The
signature is getting lost when I make the document a
master document and attach subdocuments.

Word Heretic

G'day "Spencer Baie" <[email protected]>,

Sounds sensible, we wouldnt want to insert non-signed documents into a
signed document now, would we :)

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Spencer Baie reckoned:

Lars-Eric Gisslén


Install SP-3 and check if the problem still exist. SP-3 solved most of these

Word Heretic

G'day "Lars-Eric Gisslén" <[email protected]>,

And then XP went and threw em all out the window again. As if we will
pay $5k for a signature to enable a template for 6 users. Fair dinkum,
MS has crippled itself. Long live WordPerfect I say.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Lars-Eric Gisslén reckoned:

Peter Hewett

I haven't used Word Perfect for years.... Used to develop for it many, many
years ago. Use Star Office once in a while. One thing it's good for is
recovering Word documents Word has screwed up so badly they can't even be

My clients think I work miracles (oops there goes another trade secret!).

Oh yeah, If you get too many beer donation send them this way.

Cheers - Peter

Jonathan West

Word Heretic said:
G'day "Lars-Eric Gisslén" <[email protected]>,

And then XP went and threw em all out the window again. As if we will
pay $5k for a signature to enable a template for 6 users. Fair dinkum,
MS has crippled itself. Long live WordPerfect I say.

Huh? I got an Authenticode certificate from Thawte for US$99/year. Why are
you paying $5k, and who is ripping you off?

Lars-Eric Gisslén


Which timestaping service do you use with the Thawte certificate?

Word Heretic

G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

<Spits> Verisign, plus $500 every time you re-install the OS or change

My mission for today was to hunt down a cheaper one - what a fun
Sunday exercise. Anyway, you've made that job easier serendipitiously
:) TAR!

I _assume_ it is adequate for XP to accept such signed add-ins? That's
the main reason I am looking, my selfcert stuff wont run under Word XP

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Jonathan West reckoned:

Word Heretic

G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

Hey - I see they have a referral program, John, make yourself a cut by
referring me please :) (e-mail address removed)

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Jonathan West reckoned:

Lars-Eric Gisslén


You don't need to buy a new certificate each time you reinstall the OS. When
you recieve the certificate you should choose to allow to export the
certificate. After you have installed it you can export it from the
certificate store to a PFX file. Delete the certificate from the computer
(as you don't want to have it exportable) and install it again from the PFX
file. Choose to not allow exporting the certificate this time. Put the PFX
file in a safe place in case you will need it again. That's how we do it. We
have the same certificate installed on 4 computers by using the PFX file.

Jonathan West

Word Heretic said:
G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

<Spits> Verisign, plus $500 every time you re-install the OS or change

My mission for today was to hunt down a cheaper one - what a fun
Sunday exercise. Anyway, you've made that job easier serendipitiously
:) TAR!

I _assume_ it is adequate for XP to accept such signed add-ins? That's
the main reason I am looking, my selfcert stuff wont run under Word XP

It will, but it is a right rigmarole to get a selfcert-generated cert
trusted on the target machine. But it can be done...

On the Security Warning dialog, click the Details button. On the dialog that
appears next, click "View Certificate", and on the dialog that then appears
click "Install certificate". On the Certificate Import Wizard that then
appears, just keep clicking Next until you come to the end of the process,
and then click "Finish". Close the remaining dialogs by clicking OK, until
you return the the Security Warning.

Now, the "Always trust macros from this source" checkbox should no longer be
greyed out, and you can then check it before clicking Enable Macros.

Word Heretic

G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

Just to make sure I understand you - after you've twiddled the
certificate in, you still have to Enable but at least it lets you?

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Jonathan West reckoned:

Jonathan West

Word Heretic said:
G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

Just to make sure I understand you - after you've twiddled the
certificate in, you still have to Enable but at least it lets you?

Correct, for both Office XP and Office 2003. Though whether it is practical
to expect customers to follow that set of instructions is another matter

Word Heretic

G'day "Lars-Eric Gisslén" <[email protected]>,

Intriguing - and certainly _against_ the advice Verisign provided.
Cheers Lars-Eric. I'll pass it on and see what happens.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Lars-Eric Gisslén reckoned:

Word Heretic

G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

It's not suitable for my WH stuff, thus I'll need an auth cert, but
for the firies we are looking at alternative solutions and just need
to be able to test. This will work OK for us for the purposes of
testing and final proof-of-concept. Cheers muchly.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Jonathan West reckoned:

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