Spencer Baie
I am losing VBA script digital signatures on some Word
2000 documents when they are saved and recalled. This
problem was described for Word 2000 in article:
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 220806 Cause 3 -
background saves
I am using Word 2002 SP2. The script is located in the
document project. The script is an AutoOpen macro. The
signature is getting lost when I make the document a
master document and attach subdocuments.
2000 documents when they are saved and recalled. This
problem was described for Word 2000 in article:
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 220806 Cause 3 -
background saves
I am using Word 2002 SP2. The script is located in the
document project. The script is an AutoOpen macro. The
signature is getting lost when I make the document a
master document and attach subdocuments.