"Dim fd As FileDialog" doesn't compile



I'm a Windows developer and I often do gratis work for
members of "All about word" web site. I prepared a
template for a research student at Harvard that uses the
FileDialog command to display a file pick dialog. The dim
statement doesn't compile in Word X for mac.

Any suggestions? I don't have any Word X resources so I
don't know if there is a Mac alternative.

Jim Gordon


This is the text of the help topic concerning "dialog" in Word:

"Represents a built-in dialog box. The Dialog object is a member of the
Dialogs collection. The Dialogs collection contains all the built-in dialog
boxes in Word. You cannot create a new built-in dialog box or add one to the
Dialogs collection.
Using the Dialog Object
Use Dialogs(index), where index is a WdWordDialog constant that identifies
the dialog box, to return a single Dialog object. The following example
displays and carries out the actions taken in the built-in Open dialog box
(File menu).
dlgAnswer = Dialogs(wdDialogFileOpen).Show
The WdWordDialog constants are formed from the prefix "wdDialog" followed by
the name of the menu and the dialog box. For example, the constant for the
Page Setup dialog box is wdDialogFilePageSetup, and the constant for the New
dialog box is wdDialogFileNew. For more information about working with
built-in Word dialog boxes, see Displaying built-in Word dialog boxes."

Are you trying to take advantage of a built-in Word file dialog or do you
wish to create one of your own design?

-Jim Gordon

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