I want to be able to popup a Msgbox with a specific field value of a given
task whenever the user hits the save button. I want this to happen quickly
so that the user isn't irritated by the delay. How can I quickly and
directly reference a task's field data? One way is to use the task's ID (eg
Activeproject.Tasks(100).Start), but as soon as a new task is added aboe task
100 the task's ID changes. Is it possible to reference data about a task
using its UniqueID in the same way? Alternatively, does Project have
anything like the "Name" functionality in Excel?
task whenever the user hits the save button. I want this to happen quickly
so that the user isn't irritated by the delay. How can I quickly and
directly reference a task's field data? One way is to use the task's ID (eg
Activeproject.Tasks(100).Start), but as soon as a new task is added aboe task
100 the task's ID changes. Is it possible to reference data about a task
using its UniqueID in the same way? Alternatively, does Project have
anything like the "Name" functionality in Excel?