Disable Add-in cannot be deactivate


Pär Ljunggren

I keep getting (my translation from swedish here):
Not possible to change state of Office Addi-in registered in
I have tried to uninstall/correct etc the add-in (Articulate Presenter) but
nothing helps. I deleted the entries en registry etc. but at loss on how to
I do understand that it has to do with admin/user rights but what and how..
Using PowerPoint 2007 (Swedish)

adding an extract from the registry (last entry Ribbon is the issue):

"Description"="Articulate Presenter '09"
"FriendlyName"="Articulate Presenter Communicator"

"FriendlyName"="ate Presenter "
"Description"="cation between Articulate Appl"

"Description"="Articulate Presenter '09 Ribbon"
"FriendlyName"="Articulate Presenter Ribbon"

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