Disable AddIn via automation



I run an Excel in Word using the COM automation API:
My issue is that this Excel instance is using an addin I wrote, which is
fine, but also some others addin that aren't working properly and that are
preventing me from driving the Excel instance.

So, I'd like to be able to run an Excel instance with no addins launched at
all, but still via the COM automation. In fact, I'd like to launch an Excel
exactly as when you type "excel.exe /s" (i.e. in safe mode), so that I'll be
sure that nothing is launched as an addin and preventing me from using Excel.

Does anyone as any idea how I could do that ?

Note that launching "excel.exe /s" isn't good enough because that won't
enable me to drive the Excel via the COM automation API.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated,
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Kent Prokopy

After you open Excel you can uninstall the addins

Public Sub main()
Dim a As AddIn

For Each a In AddIns
If a.Installed Then
a.Installed = False
End If
Next a
End Sub

Kent Prokopy

When you are done re-install the addins with this:

Dim AddinsList() As String

Public Sub main()
Dim a As AddIn
Dim x As Integer

x = 0
For Each a In AddIns
If a.Installed Then

ReDim Preserve AddinsList(x) As String
AddinsList(x) = a.Title
a.Installed = False
x = x + 1
End If
Next a

For x = 0 To UBound(AddinsList)
AddIns(AddinsList(x)).Installed = True
Next x
End Sub

Kent Prokopy

If no addins are loaded at the time this will error unless you add the
following before you uninstall.

If x = 0 Then Exit Sub

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