Disable automatic hyperlinks

  • Thread starter Ethel Aardvaark
  • Start date

Ethel Aardvaark

I frequently need to enter notes containing text that looks like a web site
but is not. OneNote keeps turning it into hyperlinks.
Ideally I want to disable this automatic feature but I can not see an option
to do so. Alternatively, I want to be able to right-click and select "remove
hyperlink" but OneNote has decided that if *IT* decides I need a hyperlink,
*I* can not contradict it. At least that is how it appears.

Please can someone help as I am tearing my hair out!


Uncheck Tools>>Options>>Editing>>Include link to source when pasting from
the Intenet or from Microsoft Office programs.


Ethel Aardvaark

Hi Michael,
Thanks for the response but it is not really what my problem is.

A lot of my notes include dot-separated information, some of which start
with "www"; things like "www.112.g090-a". The fact that we use "www" is
annoying but not something I can change unfortunately.

Type "www.112.g090-a" into OneNote and it decides it is a web URL - and I
can not see a way of telling it otherwise.


Rainald Taesler

Ethel said:
Thanks for the response but it is not really what my problem is.

A lot of my notes include dot-separated information, some of which
start with "www"; things like "www.112.g090-a". The fact that we use
"www" is annoying but not something I can change unfortunately.

Type "www.112.g090-a" into OneNote and it decides it is a web URL -
and I can not see a way of telling it otherwise.

If the text is written with the syntax of an URL one cannot remove the
hyperlink, ON just interprets the text as an URL.
AFAICS the only thing to be done would be to insert a blank after the



I have the same problem and I have tried everthing also, and I can not get
OneNote to leave my www's alone without turning them into hyperlinks, it is a
serious Bug. I am a student, and I paste things to one note for my reasearch.
I have to use references, so if I reference a website I need to Cite it, but
not as a Hyperlink. It is really irratating and I Have found no way around it!

Rainald Taesler

halnamy said:
I have the same problem and I have tried everything also, and I can
not get OneNote to leave my www's alone without turning them into
hyperlinks, it is a serious Bug. I am a student, and I paste things
to one note for my reasearch. I have to use references, so if I
reference a website I need to Cite it, but not as a Hyperlink. It is
really irratating and I Have found no way around it! Hal

I'm awfully sorry.
I was wrong.

My tests were only done with "normal" hyperlinks, not with "web-stuff".
I have to admit that "www" or even "http" links can not be removed.

I do not understand, however, why this might really bother you.
Where would be a problem?
The citations are usable (the way they are) and when inserted into a
wordprocessor (f.e. Word) it's easy enough to change the formatting.

What might I be missing in so far?

P.S. You may post this as a suggestion for the next version in
"Connect", the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the
developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.


Actually, it is the same problem, OneNote is automativcally interpeting our
URL formatted entries and tuning them into hyperlinks when we do not want
them to be hyperlinks, and niether of us have found a way to disable it, or
change them back. Right?

Rainald Taesler

halnamy said:
Actually, it is the same problem, OneNote is automativcally
interpeting our URL formatted entries and tuning them into hyperlinks
when we do not want them to be hyperlinks, and niether of us have
found a way to disable it, or change them back. Right?

Yes, you are right.
All we can do is reporting a bug and/ur post a suggestion for the next
version in Connect.


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