Disable Deleting and Enable Adding more Data



In my database there is an unbound main form having four controls ie.
cboNumber, cboName, cmdOK, cmdSave. Depends on these selections and
click on cmdOK will open a subform (Datasheet view) which is bound to
a table, for data entry purpose. The subform is having fields called
“Description”, “Ref”, “Status”, “Comments”, “Status1”, and
“Comments1”. On click event of cmdSave will save the entered details
on subform and also makes the form invisible. What I also wish to do
by clicking cmdSave is to disable deleting the entered details in the
Comments and Comments1 field, but allow the user to add more datas on
Comments and Comments1 field upon reopening the form if the user wish.
Kindly help me to make a proper code to achieve this.
Thanks in advance

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