Disable design button


Albert D. Kallal

Simply create a mde, and distribute that to your users. If you make a mde,
then all design of code, forms, and reports is removed from the application.
Use caution here, as you need to keep the original mdb application, as the
mde CAN NOT be modified.

You can also consider using security to dis-able design changes, but
implement security is a quite a bit work when you have the mde option.
However, security is one way to accomplish this task.

For future maintenance, you *really* need to split your mdb into two parts
if you do choose to use a mde. (and, I recommend you use a mde to solve this
problem. In fact, it is standard fair by any serious access developer to
always make a mde for their users).

For info in splitting, please read up on:



Another way to prevent users from changing the forms is to simply "hide" the
ms-access interface. You thus provide your OWN interface in place of this.
For example, you can download and try a small mdb example with the ms-access
interface hidden. Try downloading the 3rd example at the following web site.
The file is a regular mdb file, and no special code was used to hide the
ms-access interface. The file is a regular mdb file, but I JUST USED options
in the tools->start-up to hide all ms-access interface stuff.

To "get in" to the file and see how this mdb was made, simply exit the
application, and then hold down the shift key while the application starts


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