Disable error message window


Penny Zhang

I am programming an unattendant software. We need the software sends email
out if there is a unusual problem happening.

When we test, we noticed that our software would be stopped there if Outlook
pops up a error message window.

We need to disable the Outlook error message window because our software is
an unattendant one. Nobody closese the window there.

I could not find a way to get rid of the error message window. Please write
me a email if you know how. Appreciate your help.


John Blessing

Penny Zhang said:
I am programming an unattendant software. We need the software sends email
out if there is a unusual problem happening.

When we test, we noticed that our software would be stopped there if
pops up a error message window.

We need to disable the Outlook error message window because our software
an unattendant one. Nobody closese the window there.

I could not find a way to get rid of the error message window. Please
me a email if you know how. Appreciate your help.


Don't use Outlook to send your email.

Use an activex smtp component. Google will help you find one.

John Blessing

http://www.LbeHelpdesk.com - Help Desk software priced to suit all
http://www.room-booking-software.com - Schedule rooms & equipment bookings
for your meeting/class over the web.
http://www.lbetoolbox.com - Remove Duplicates from MS Outlook, find/replace,
send newsletters

Penny Zhang


In our software, I use activex control: MAPIsession/MAPImessage to send my
It needs Outlook or Netscape to support.

Is MAPIsession / MAPImessage the activex smtp component that you mentioned
in your reply?

John Blessing

Is MAPIsession / MAPImessage the activex smtp component that you mentioned
in your reply?

No. MAPI is just an interface to Outlook.

Use a standalone SMTP component, e.g. Jmail, mailbee or something similar


John Blessing

http://www.LbeHelpdesk.com - Help Desk software priced to suit all
http://www.room-booking-software.com - Schedule rooms & equipment bookings
for your meeting/class over the web.
http://www.lbetoolbox.com - Remove Duplicates from MS Outlook, find/replace,
send newsletters

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