Disable form after submit




I have created a form in Infopath 2007 which users can submit. Infopath
sends the form to a Sharepoint Library, but sends also a copy of the latest
version of the form to the library where the form is uploaded...this version
changes everytime a new form is filled out, so there is only displayed one

My problem is that users can edit the form in this library, which contains
data that must not be changed.

How can i set a condition so that submitted forms are in a read-only version?





You can do this by adding a view and making it readonly.
You can do this by copying the fields from your view and add a view and
paste in the view added.And make all the controls in the view added as read

Apply condition on submit button to "switch view" when submit is clicked.
Soon after submitting the form turns to readonly format.

Swathi (GGK Tech)

Add a Boolean type field(ex: field1) to the main data source. Set the
default value as False. Set that field as True once the user submits the
form. And put a rule for the form as if field1 = true then switch to the read
only view. To do this follow the below steps.
1.First add a new view and name it as Readonly View. Copy the total editable
view and paste in the read only view.
2.Go to Read only view properties. Check Read only check box in the general
3.Go to Tools -> form options -> Rules.
4.In that add a rule with the condition as field1 is equal to true, and then
add action to switch to read only view.
5.Also add a rule on submit button to set the field1 value to true.



I'm designing a form with a similar requirement. I used a similar procedure
to successfully create a read-only view. The problem is that when the
read-only view is opened, the user can click the "View" menu in InfoPath and
choose one of the editable views. Is there a way to disable switching views
in an InfoPath form?



I just found an answer to my problem. In the view properties, there is a
check box for "Show on the View menu when filling out the form".

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