do I have to install the Office Resource kit on everyone's computer?
Again, the ORK is a ***toolkit*** for administrators. It is not an application for end users.
and which computer do I create the registery key?
Look at the key: It's in the HKCU hive. That means it needs to be set for each user whose Outlook behavior you want to modify.
If I install the office resource kit on my computer and set the
registery key on my computer and copy the .adm files to machine that
run the GPE, is it going to disable the stationry and theme and
You use the GPE to manage the settings that you deploy to other users with Group Policy Object settings. Applying the policies makes the changes in the affected users' registry.
You might want to read up on group policy before you go any further, to make sure you understand the concepts.
Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
do I install the Office Resource Kit in exchange server?
No, it's a client toolkit. You will, however, need to copy the .adm files to the machine where you run the Group Policy Editor.
Also one more question, Do I set the registery in exchange as well?
No, stationery is not an Exchange feature.
Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
Did you add the administrative template files for both applications? See
Thank you very much for your herlp. I did create the NewStationary but
still have problem for group policy editor, I cannot find the command
for outlook and word.
please advice.
Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
I researched this for my "Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003" book, which will be published by Digital Press this fall. There are several other steps you need to take:
1) Create a NewStationery value in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\MailSettings key and leave it blank to prevent users from choosing any default stationery. You can create a new .adm file if you want to add that to the group policy editor.
2) Use the group policy editor to disable certain toolbar commands in both Outlook and Word:
Actions | New Message Using More Stationery 5611
Format Background 30403
Format Theme 3623
Format | Background Standard Colors 3224
Format | Background More Colors 2857
Format | Background Fill Effects 2858
Format | Background Printed Watermark 4003
View HTML Source 3902
I have to disable stationery,theme, background for all the clients
using outlook 2003.
what I would like to do is having the menu option for theme and
background not to get highlighted any more. Also the stationery button
to be disabled.
Please advice