FGMs said:
hI work on a classified system... we have a mail profile that will check the
email content for classifications and word that can not be used... the
attachments we can not. The send to menu item on vision will allow the
attachment. We have successfully disabled all of the office suite. Visio and
MS project we have not been able to. I have tried to use the macro script
provided on the knowledge base site, but it provides only the command bar IDs
for word. If I could get the Cammand Bar ID for MS Project and Visio I think
I could disable the Send to item.
Sorry, but as I said, I don't know how to do it. Maybe it can't be done
as in the other Office apps.
That being said, defeating this functionality in Project will not reduce
your risk exposure one bit, in my opinion. A "spy" can surely find
other easy ways get the attachments out of the building ...
If you truly must secure outbound email (which by the way won't fix the
security risk totally, in my view), then get the right software on the
email server to check attachments.