Disable timesheet for a particular resource


Adrian Wright

Hi all

My company predominately uses PS 2007 to capture time and effort through
timesheets. I have a couple of resources that need access to project server
to request new project/resource set ups, and also to view information through
PWA, but they do not need to submit timesheets themselves (upper management).
As the global timesheet approver I see them as having unsubmitted
timesheets. Can I set their individual accounts not to require timesheet

Note that setting them as Inactive works, but then they can't access the
system. Also setting their 'earliest available' date can manipulate the
amount of timesheets I see as being unsubmitted from them (I can get the
result I want by setting this far into the future, but this seems clumsy),
but doing this with 'latest available', which would logically give me the
result I want, does not impact the amount of timesheets that I see as being
unsubmitted from them.

Thanks for any advice.

Adrian Wright

On further investigation I found another workaround which solves part of the
problem. If I set the Timesheet Approver for these resources to themselves,
I no longer get notified that they have unsubmitted timesheets, however they
will still see their own alerts when they log into PWA.

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