Disable "Window Restore" button


Martureo Bob


My application consists of a main form that drives other forms based on
buttons being clicked. All forms are modal popups. All have a control box.
All run maximized. All can be minimized. When the main form opens a
secondary form, it hides itself --- the OnClose event for the secondary
forms all make the main form visible again. That's all working fine!

But I've had lots of problems if the user clicks the "window restore" button
while the form is maximized. I've read all kinds of posts on this matter,
with all kinds of tricky things like taking out the control box and using
timer routines to maximize the form, etc.

I don't want any of this.

I still require that the user be able to minimize the form.

I simply don't want the user to be able to click the restore button.

So the question is --- how do I disable that button.

No other tricks --- just disable the button.

Any clues?




first of all a dis-claim-er!!! don't take anything i say here seriously....i
usually ASK for help rather than OFFER it :)

w/ that out of the way, if you're foolhardy enough to try it anyway, how
about setting the popup property to 'Yes' and adding cmdbtns with minimize
commands and maximize commands 'on click'?


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