Disabled Features using Remote Desktop



Here's the problem:
When using Remote Desktop to manage project tasks or simply access Project
Web Access (project server 2003), some features like do project checkout to
project pro 2003, etc, appears disabled (tables is gray in PWA and Project

When open Project Center via Project Pro 2003 (in Remote Desktop), it lists
all projects, but the table is gray and when I click "open" button after
selected one project its shows a message "project pro 2000 or 2003 its
needed (..)" and something about the account used to connect (Project Pro
2003 is installed with all features in machine server and its account is
correct and have administrative privileges in AD and PWA, I'm sure).

Its strange, 'cause everything works fine when using my desktop in LAN,
autenticated in domain with the same user.

All tables in PWA appear in gray color (disabled feature) when using Remote
Desktop however the same appear in yellow color (enabled feature) when using
extranet (https) or lan connection.
So, I cannot perform any kind of project updates using Remote Desktop.
Thanks u all.

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