Musa via AccessMonster.com
I have the following code in an Event Procedure (On_ClicK). Command133 is a
Macro that calls upon the next form(while closing the current form). This
should be disabled as long as any of the option groups = -1. The problem I
have is the enable and disable of the Macro (Command133).
I want to Disable Command133 while the individual is completing all the
fileds on the form and then Enable Command133 after all Options have been
Private Sub Command176_Click()
If (Me.Combo156) And (Me.opt41) And (Me.opt42) And (Me.opt43) And (Me.opt44)
And (Me.opt45) And (Me.Frame46) = -1 Then
Me.Command133.Enabled = False
MsgBox "You missed a Question. Please check your selections"
Cancel = True
Me.Command133.Enabled = True
MsgBox "You may proceed to the next page"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Macro that calls upon the next form(while closing the current form). This
should be disabled as long as any of the option groups = -1. The problem I
have is the enable and disable of the Macro (Command133).
I want to Disable Command133 while the individual is completing all the
fileds on the form and then Enable Command133 after all Options have been
Private Sub Command176_Click()
If (Me.Combo156) And (Me.opt41) And (Me.opt42) And (Me.opt43) And (Me.opt44)
And (Me.opt45) And (Me.Frame46) = -1 Then
Me.Command133.Enabled = False
MsgBox "You missed a Question. Please check your selections"
Cancel = True
Me.Command133.Enabled = True
MsgBox "You may proceed to the next page"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub