Disabling error message with Web Query


Guilherme Soares

Hi everyone,

I have developed an Excel Web Query that queries data from a web server and
put them into a database through VBA after refreshing. That query is running
in background and refreshes data every 30 minutes.
It happens the web server is not always available and the web query shows an
error message box ("Unalbe to http://webserver... Cannot locate the internet
server..."). The poblem is when this box appears the After_Refresh method not
execute as long as somebody clicks on the "OK" command button of the message
Any idea to by pass this error message or making it not appear?


Tim Williams


'refresh query

Guilherme Soares

Tim, thanks for your response.
You're almost there. But, not worked properly because the Refresh method
from web query is not triggered by a macro. It's a process that runs in
background (do you know how we can deal with it?). This property only disable
alert messages coming from macro.
Any other idea?

Tim Williams

Have you tried using a mcro to refresh the query instead of having it run automatically ?
You could use Application.OnTime()

Tim Williams

Create the query with automatic refresh tuned off, then use the Refresh
method to update it.


I haven't tested that this doesn't still show the dialog though....


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