Did you try
MacScript ("do shell script ""defaults write -g
AppleAntiAliasingThreshold -integer 144""")
? Not that I know anything about this default, but if it works as a shell
script, it should work in VBA. (All one line, no line break)
It wouldn't work. "default" is a command line program that make changes to
plist file. "defaults write -g" means writing in the global plist, which are
in the file $HOME/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist. The effect
of setting AppleAntiAliasingThreshold to 144 is more or less to disable font
smoothing in all applications that take care of this file. I think it only
work with Cocoa, but I'm not sure. In fact, it seems to work with Excel: if
you run the preceding command, restart Excel and check the Quartz Font
Smoothing box, there is no font smoothing, which is rather expected. But
this global option does nothing to VBA Editor.
There is maybe an explanation to that: in Puma and Panther (I don't know for
Jaguar, but probably it's the same story), Carbon and Cocoa font smoothing
are not controled by the same option. QuickDraw smoothing *was* in a file
called $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist. But this doesn't seem to be used in
Tiger, and at least TinkerTool agrees with me (the option has disappeared).
So, if I am not wrong, Excel 2004 reads the global plist (I don't know but I
suspect it's a Carbon application though), and VBA Editor doesn't seem to
read any option.
I was just wondering if it had a menu option for font smoothing, like
Excel's one, but I didn't find one. It's rather sad, I don't like typing
programs with font smoothing enabled... In fact I don't like font smoothing
in general
Except perhaps for viewing some PDF or Word files.