Disabling select in office document


Manish Buttan


I have written an application in C# that converts values in a form, into a well formatted word document (using office automation object)

I would like to protect the contents of the document. I have done the same through enabling protection (.protect method) of the document

But I observed that the user is still able to copy text from my word document and paste it into notepad, word etc. I do not want this to happen

How do I go about doing the same

Thank you in advance

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi Manish,

The short answer is that you cannot realistically prevent people from
copying/pasting a Word document they have in front of them on the screen..
Unless you have Office 2003 and so do your users...

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: http://www.word.mvps.org

Manish Buttan said:

I have written an application in C# that converts values in a form, into a
well formatted word document (using office automation object).
I would like to protect the contents of the document. I have done the same
through enabling protection (.protect method) of the document.
But I observed that the user is still able to copy text from my word
document and paste it into notepad, word etc. I do not want this to happen.

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