Disabling Shortcut menu Item




I have customized my own ShortcutMenu in which it has Macros as the Items.
All is working ok.

What I would lke to know is that somtimes I would like certain Items of this
Shortcut Menu to be disabled & other items to have them all enabled.

Can this be done with VBA code to control this ? If so how ?

I saw from the Help menu
DoCmd.SetMenuItem 0, 1, , acMenuGray
which is what I would like to do but it says:
"Note The SetMenuItem method works only with custom menu bars and global
menu bars created by using menu bar macros. "

Can this be used for Shortcut Menus & how ? or other code like this for
Shortcut menus ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Albert D. Kallal

if IsInGroup(CurrentUser,"SuperUser" then

CommandBars("menu bar").Controls("records").
Controls("refresh").Visible = True

end if

if IsInGroup(CurrentUser(),"InvoideDeleteGroup") = true then

Controls("DleeteInvoice").Visible = True

end if

Note that short cut menus are their own name also:

commandbars("your shortcut name").
Contorls("contorlName").Visible = false


commandbars("your shortcut name").
Contorls("contorlName").Enabled = false

additional notes:
You can use "enabled" in place of visible.
The above examples should be on one line...but I wrapped them into two
lines for ease of reading....

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