Disappearing comments in shared mode



A coworker and I have VERY limited options for keeping a so-called live
inventory, leading us to use Excel 07 in shared mode (I know, I know...
shared mode is the devil, right?). All and all, we've figured out most of
the glitches, but there's just one thing I can't quite understand.

When one of us inserts comments, then saves, and the other person makes a
change somewhere else in the workbook and saves, sometimes the comments don't
save. This doesn't seem to happen every time, nor can I find a pattern of
which comments aren't being saved.

Even better, the person who made the comments still sees all the comments
they made, while the other person sees anywhere from all, none, or a few here
and there. The settings are in place to ask what changes win if we both
save, yet I've yet to be prompted about that [and we've been using this for
over four months now]. I will have a dialogue box that says "updated with
changes made by other users" when I save sometimes, and I have the
highlighting function enabled for all new changes.

Any clue why changes to the cells themselves stick but comments are
sporadic? Any tips other than "save after any change you make" (we do) and
"don't use shared mode"? Like I said, we REALLY don't have any other options
(oh, how I wish we had a multiuser program...).

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