Disappearing footers



I'm using Word 2000, working in conjunction with a separate platform --
HotDocs 2005 Professional. Hot Docs, if you're not familiar with it, creates
basically a merge file using IF fields, etc. The user can create their own
specific templates based on individual needs. The templates are filled by
user input within HotDocs and then exported to the word processor.

The template I've created has several (14) section breaks in it -- either
next pages (most) or continuous (minimal -- maybe 2 of them). I've also used
footers in my template for page numbers. None are linked to "same as
previous." In the template the footers seem to be formatted fine --
everything seems to work. However, when the document is merged and exported
to Word 2000, the footers work in the first two sections and then stop all
together -- they don't appear in the merged/imported document.

I've checked the page setup both within the template and within the merged
document. The bottom margins and footer margins are within the printed area.
I can't see a code in page setup or in the footer menu that would cause the
footer to stop.

What am I doing incorrectly, please. Thank you.

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