Disappearing graphics & "Not enough mem or disk space to display p



Hello users & experts -

I have a user who experienced disappearing graphics while editing a small
WORD doc (~200kb) using WORD 2003 on an XP system. He started out with all
his graphics (about 10 small pics) but the more he worked on the doc
(including editing the graphics in Paint), more of his graphics turned into
blank boxes with black borders.

Whenever you open the file now, you get the "Not enough memory or disk space
to display or print picture " error. I suspect he probably encountered this
error while working on the doc & tried to workaround it but by the time he
noticed what was happening to his graphics, the damage was done & he could no
longer access them. The problem seems to be just with this document so all
the usual things to try for disappearing graphics don't apply (but I checked
them all anyway to be safe).

So, with all of this in mind, can anyone answer the following ...

I know that attempting to save when resources are low can cause problems --
is disappearing (and unrecoverable) graphics one of them? Could there be
some other reason for this problem?

Is there anyway to fix a doc like this (i.e. recover these lost graphics
once they become a blank box) OR should we just consider the doc corrupt at
this point? The error message still appears even though there is no longer a
resource problem but if this were a larger doc, I'd hate to lose the changes
& start over. Can "detect & repair" help?

What is the best way to salvage your work once you get this message so you
can prevent or minimize damage to the file once you see it starting to happen?

Is there any way to prevent this?

Thank you all for your help!

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