disappearing hover buttons



I have some clients where the hover buttons don't show, while most clients
are ok. The hover buttons just show a small x icon as a placeholder for the
hover button. No text either. It doesn't seem to be related to OS/browser
or Service Pack (as it occurs on 98/2000 and XP with different SP's.)

Any suggestions what this might be?



Looked in the MS-Knowledge Base but possibly didn't use the right verbage.

When I get a chance I'll flush the cache and see if that helps.

Mike Mueller

Don't use Hover buttons. They require JAVA which is no
longer distributed with Windows.

: I have some clients where the hover buttons don't show,
while most clients
: are ok. The hover buttons just show a small x icon as a
placeholder for the
: hover button. No text either. It doesn't seem to be
related to OS/browser
: or Service Pack (as it occurs on 98/2000 and XP with
different SP's.)
: Any suggestions what this might be?
: Thanks!
: -r
: Looked in the MS-Knowledge Base but possibly didn't use
the right verbage.
: When I get a chance I'll flush the cache and see if that

Steve Easton

Hover Buttons require Java Virtual Machine to function because they are java applets.
New machines do not come with Java Virtual Machine installed. Therefore most people have stopped
using hover buttons.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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........................with a computer


Hover Buttons require Java Virtual Machine to function because they are
java applets. New machines do not come with Java Virtual Machine
installed. Therefore most people have stopped using hover buttons.

Ok, good to know. Thanks to both "Mike Mueller" <[email protected]>
and you Steve. What do I use instead? I thought the hover button was my
only option. Hyperlinks and gif's/jpg's?


Steve Easton

Text hyperlinks manipulated with CSS or image swaps using javascript.
If you have FrontPage 2003 check into DHTML and behaviors.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

Mike Mueller

On the pages I had done with hover buttons I used DHTML
for image swaps to achieve the same results. It actually
opens up a whole new can of options as any jpgs or gifs can
be used- including animated gifs. I had done a sample some
time ago with an image of dynamite. When you did the hover,
the image swapped to an explosion.


randy wrote:
: :
:: Hover Buttons require Java Virtual Machine to function
:: because they are java applets. New machines do not come
:: with Java Virtual Machine installed. Therefore most
:: people have stopped using hover buttons.
: Ok, good to know. Thanks to both "Mike Mueller"
: <[email protected]> and you Steve. What do I
: use instead? I thought the hover button was my only
: option. Hyperlinks and gif's/jpg's?
: -r




I looked in FP2003 help for DHTML and can see it will walk me through the
process. I can probably fumble my way through now.

Thanks for the pointers and help!


Also thanks to the person that pointed me to the link:


Which is a "Top Ten Traps for New FrontPage Designers" page.
I had to laugh, I did the first one. :-0 Whatta noob.

Mike Mueller

When I started <2 years ago, I used Hover Buttons for my
menu- oops. I graduated to Dyanmic HTML


: @TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl:
: Mike,
: I looked in FP2003 help for DHTML and can see it will walk
me through the
: process. I can probably fumble my way through now.
: Thanks for the pointers and help!
: -r
: Also thanks to the person that pointed me to the link:
: http://www.interlacken.com/winnt/tips/tipshow.aspx?tip=29
: Which is a "Top Ten Traps for New FrontPage Designers"
: I had to laugh, I did the first one. :-0 Whatta noob.
: > Randy,
: > On the pages I had done with hover buttons I used
: > for image swaps to achieve the same results. It
: > opens up a whole new can of options as any jpgs or gifs
: > be used- including animated gifs. I had done a sample
: > time ago with an image of dynamite. When you did the
: > the image swapped to an explosion.
: >
: > Mike



Well, it's done. What a PITA. I had 15 hover buttons and had to create 30
graphical images with pixel for pixel matching text for each matching pair of
images. One was the regular button, the other was the hover feature to
switch to when the mouse hovered. I like hover buttons better. :)

I would think there would be a more automated way of doing this. Like a text
based solution with font preferences and superimposed over the graphical
doodad. You know, like hover buttons. Sheesh.

Well, thanks again. Now I gotta figure out how to get around all my WordArt
usage. :-(


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