Disappearing images in Word 97


Jon Riley

I'm sure this is an old problem (and old software :-(...), with a simple
answer, but I can't work out what's going wrong.

I'm using a lot of imported graphics in doc files - bmps and jpgs - but I
keep finding the dreaded red cross appearing instead when I re-open files.
I've lost days of work this way.
What's annoying is it seems to be inconsistent: some files are fine, some
(most) lose all or most of the graphics - and I don't know what I'm doing
differently (if anything).
I'm either using Copy and Paste (for bmps from other programs), or
Insert/Picture/from file (for jpgs), but the problem affects both. With the
latter, I generally leave the "link to file" box unchecked; the "save with
file" box is checked, but grayed out.

I know I should probably upgrade the software, but until then...any clues?


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jon,

The Red-X issue was a particularly nasty bug in
the original release of Office 97. The major issues
were addressed in the Office Service Releases
(http://office.microsoft.com) to prevent many,
but not all of the occurences of this issue and
doesn't fix already damaged documents.

The information here may be helpful to you:

I'm sure this is an old problem (and old software :-(...), with a simple
answer, but I can't work out what's going wrong.

I'm using a lot of imported graphics in doc files - bmps and jpgs - but I
keep finding the dreaded red cross appearing instead when I re-open files.
I've lost days of work this way.
What's annoying is it seems to be inconsistent: some files are fine, some
(most) lose all or most of the graphics - and I don't know what I'm doing
differently (if anything).
I'm either using Copy and Paste (for bmps from other programs), or
Insert/Picture/from file (for jpgs), but the problem affects both. With the
latter, I generally leave the "link to file" box unchecked; the "save with
file" box is checked, but grayed out.

I know I should probably upgrade the software, but until then...any clues?

JonR >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

The Office 2003 System parts explained

Jon Riley

Thanks Bob for such a swift and helpful reply.

However (hope you don't mind me pestering you with a follow-up)...

I downloaded the Office 97 SR-1 patch, and it all seemed to install OK, and
I restarted my computer.
But now when I try and open Word I get this message:
"The wrong wwintl32.dll has been loaded. Make sure that the Word directory
is in the path."

Does this mean any more to you than it does to me?

(I will look on the microsoft knowledge base in the meantime, but if you
have a quick answer...)


Jon Riley

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Jon,

The Red-X issue was a particularly nasty bug in
the original release of Office 97. The major issues
were addressed in the Office Service Releases
(http://office.microsoft.com) to prevent many,
but not all of the occurences of this issue and
doesn't fix already damaged documents.

The information here may be helpful to you:

Well, silly me, I downloaded the SR-1 patch and ran it all innocently.

Now I find Word won't open, I get the "wrong wwintl32.dll loaded" error
message (see previous post), and now I find that to correct this I need to
re-install Office 97. And I can't find the original CD...

Time to buy some new software I guess, (and adopt philosophy as a


(Sorry Bob this is not your fault..:))


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jon,

The wrong WWINTL file message can come from applying
the U.S. English update to the U.K. English edition
of Office 97 or vice versa. You will need the CD
for many of the MS updates and yes to work around the


Well, silly me, I downloaded the SR-1 patch and ran it all innocently.

Now I find Word won't open, I get the "wrong wwintl32.dll loaded" error
message (see previous post), and now I find that to correct this I need to
re-install Office 97. And I can't find the original CD...

Time to buy some new software I guess, (and adopt philosophy as a


(Sorry Bob this is not your fault..:))

JonR >>

Jon Riley

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Jon,

The wrong WWINTL file message can come from applying
the U.S. English update to the U.K. English edition
of Office 97 or vice versa. You will need the CD
for many of the MS updates and yes to work around the

Thanks Bob, that was the link I found. Luckily I had a copy of Office 97 on
another computer and copied the old WWINTL file across. Word at least works
now - altho the red-x problem isn't fixed of course. Like I said, I don't
have my original CD (duh), so there doesn't seem to be a way out.

thanks for your help


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