disappearing macros



Howdee all.
A topic which has once again been brought to the forefront of my world....

While I've taken some of the code that's available to save my xlam, xlsb,
and other files, so that my macros don't get lost, it still occurs, and it's
getting old.

For some reason, I'll get done writing a macro, click save, or ctrl+s, and
close my file.

I'll then go into the xml side of the file, and enter my xml code to create
my menu item, gallery, etc... validate it, then generate callbacks, and save
that file, and go back my xlam, etc....

I then attempt to activate my menu access to the macro, and I get the ever
famous-- cannot run "..." macro because it's either not available, or does
not exist, or macros have been disabled.... message.

I'll then go look in the file, and behold... my macro is gone. I'll look
around, and sure enough, no module, no frm, nothing, kaput....

While this occurs more often with my exporting, and then importting a module
or form from one file to another (I do all my preliminary code work in the
xlsb file, and then ex-import it over to the xlam file once everything is
working a-ok), it still occurs, and has gotten extremely old....

My save code is activated with the opening of the excel program, and runs
every few minutes, and regardless if I just hold down the ctrl key, and hit
's' multiple times, this loss of files still occurs.

and yes, I have run office diagnostics (multiple times), and there are no

Does anyone have an idea on how to prevent this file loss from continuing to
I'd like to ask why it happens, but I'm sure that this question has been
asked a million times over, and still no answer exists.

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