Disappearing macros



I created a couple of macros, executed them once, then
went to create a report based on a query. When I returned
to "Macros" my macros are gone, and now when I try to
recreate them, the database seems to loop trying to save
the macro no matter what name I use - even defaulting to
Macro1. I need to "save face" fast, as my boss watched me
create them, now I can't continue.

Steve Schapel


First thing to try... Cloase the database, open it again, compact via
the File|DatabaseUtilities|Compact and Repair menu, close it again and
open it again, and look for your macros again.

If that doesn't work, try starting a new blank database, make some
macros and save them, and see if you get the same behaviour there.
There may be some type of corruption going on with your existing

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

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