Disappearing pictures



I have Outlook 2002 at the office and at home. I
forwarded some JPEGs from the office to home, but my
Outlook there keeps telling me it cannot find the
files...but the e-mail file size tells me that they ARE
there. Just for grins, I forwarded them BACK to the
office - and there they are, in glorious color!

BTW, any OTHER JPEG that I get at home opens just fine -
so why not the ones forwarded from my Outlook at work?

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

This is a long shot, but are you attaching the .jpg files to the message
you're sending from work, or are they embedded into the body of the
message? If they're embedded, they may be linked to a network or
internet location that you don't have access to at home.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Attempt appreciated, Jocelyn, but no...I'm just doing your
basic, standard, hit-the-paperclip-and-attach type thing.
I'm thinking that I've missed some obscure setting
somewhere, but since I CAN get other JPEGs just fine, I'll
be darned if I can figure out which one!

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