disappearing text



I have a very complex and detailed bitmap image of a map in a Word document,
composed of an imported bitmap graphic and many drawing objects.

2 things:
1) On printing the page, the text inside a text box is not visible. I've
checked the textbox is brought to the front etc, and it's perfectly visible
on the screen
2) I ungrouped the graphic to make an amendment and it now won't regroup.
When I select everything, go right click and go to Grouping in the dialogue
box, the options fail to drop down as normal.

Any ideas?

Keith Howell

In answer to point 2 I am guessing you need to select any pictures and
specify text wrapping (say behind text), then you should be able to group
them all

For 1, if you copy just that text box to a clean new page and print it, is
it OK? If not, re-create it and paste it back. If it prints - I don't know


Hi Keith

Thanks for your advice.

Q1. Sadly your suggestion didn't work. The grouping options fail to drop
down as normal, and if I go to the 'Draw' button on the drawing toolbar to
access the options there, it crashes the program. I think Word just doesn't
like the size of the object.
Q2. I suspect this is due to the same problem. The textbox rpints fine on a
clean sheet

Keith Howell

Can you get access to something like Photoshop - it has a facility to "Save
for Web" which can be used to cut down the size ofa graphic dramatically
without too much loss. Sorry I couldn't be of further help

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