disappearing text



I pasted some text in the form of a questionaire from Word into OneNote. As
I tried to fill in the ansers to the questions, my handwritten text would
disappear. I have the latest updates and am running on WindowsXP for Tablet
PCs on a Motion tablet.

Any idea why this is happening? I'm about ready to go back to Journal.

Chris H.

Neil, you're running Windows XP SP2 and the Tablet PC Edition 2005, correct?
If so have you updated your drivers since installing XP SP2, especially the
pen driver version 4.82-9a from Wacom at
http://www.wacom.com/tabletpc/driver.cfm .

I suspect, however, it is the way the form was created in Word. How large
is it, and could you post the Word version here so we could try replicating
the issue?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Thanks Chris,

I am using Windows XP SP1 and the Tablet PC Edition Build
2600.xpsp2.030422.1633. I have not installed any updated drivers (why would
I even know to install a driver from "wacom"?)

I would love to post the .doc file, but I don't see how I can send an

Chris H.

Oh yes, sorry, you're using the web-based interface on the newsgroup. No
attachments are allowed. If you can (not being behind a corporate firewall
where it is prohibited) you can use your Outlook Express to set up to
receive any or all of Microsoft's newsgroups by starting a news account (no
cost) with msnews.microsoft.com as the news server. There's no logon, no
sign-in, and you can take your pick of any of the Microsoft newsgroups, no
matter your regular Internet Service Provider.

You could even visit us in the microsoft.public.windows.tabletpc newsgroup
where I try to keep people informed of such things as the new drivers. :cool:
By the way, if you haven't already, Motion Computing keeps their specific
drivers for download here:
http://www.motioncomputing.com/support/driver_download.asp You didn't
mention which Motion Tablet PC you have, so you can check the appropriate
one for yourself.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -



I tried to send three responses via the Outlook newsgroup. They aren't
showing up in the newgroup. They were sent to (e-mail address removed). Here is
the text, but I don't know what to do about the attachment.

"My Motion is one of the first - a model M1200.

I am doing maintenance on my tablet, including making sure I have all
updates installed. I have applied every update known to Microsoft. I still
have the problem. It must have something to do with the way I copied the
questionnaire from Word. I wrote it, did a "Select All", copied it to the
clipboard hen pasted it into OneNote. Then I reentered all the white space
which OneNote apparently thought was wasteful but keyboard."


Chris H.

Got it, Neil. And now to experiment. :cool: I'll post back, but suspect
without opening the file (haven't run my AV against it yet) that the form
you created in Word is breaking.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -



Suppose I typed the questionaire directly into OneNote, using the enter key
to leave space? Would that work better than copying and pasting from Word?


Chris H.

The "Enter" key doesn't create space. All I did was insert a few lines
(Insert/Extra Writing Space) in your example, but I did it in OneNote so you
have writing space. :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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