Discard duplicate faxnumbers or emailaddresses

  • Thread starter WiZZiX/Joeri van der Well
  • Start date

WiZZiX/Joeri van der Well

Hai there,

Situation: Word 2003 faxmerge or email merge

Question: Is there an easy way to "automatically" discard/skip duplicate
email addresses or faxnumbers?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


Joeri van der Well

WiZZiX/Joeri van der Well

Hai Doug,

thanks for the quick reply!
But I think I'm missing something. The possible duplicate
faxnumbers/emailaddresses are in my datasource.

When I start the the Fax or Email merge, Word will automatically proceed all
records from my datasource. The article you mentioned seems applyable on a
Word document. I don't see how it applies on a datasource.

Thanks and regards,


Joeri van der Well

Doug Robbins

And the idea was that you would use that information on your data source.
Of course if your datasource is and Access table, then there is a Find
duplicates wizard in Access.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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