Matt Kennedy
We have become quite adept at the use of external links. We have had nearly
20 large projects that have on average of ~20 external links per plan and we
have been doing this successfully for about 3 months now. We also have the
feature in "Tools > Options" set to "Open the Links Between Projects...
dialog window on project open" so when you open any of these projects this
dialog window is the first thing you see. We use this to ensure that the
project managers remain aware of, and can accept, any changes that may have
occured with the external dependicies/successors.
This has been the norm for over 3 months now without a problem. That is
until a couple of days ago. A couple of days ago this "Links Between
Projects..." dialog window stopped opening automatically at project open in
one of the larger plans (about 1500 line project plan with about 50 external
links) even though this option is still checked in Tools > Options. When a
product like this stops behaving "as advertised", especially in a large
project like this I get concerned about things like corruption problems.
One other thing worth noting. Just before this behavior started this same
project plan had another strange error display right away when you opened the
project. This error is no longer displaying. The warning or error message was
"Invalid Date" and stated what the valid date formats were. You could click
OK and continue *apparantly* without problem. The real frustration with this
warning was that it gave absolutely no indication where the invalid date was
located. The project manager reviewed all baseline and current start & finish
dates and found nothing. One last tidbit I'll add in case it helps is I also
recently saved a new baseline but before I did I did a "Save Interim Plan"
and had the current baseline dates saved into the baseline1 date column. I
haven't checked those dates but plan to this morning in case there was a
problem during the copy.
Part of me wants to try something like saving/exporting the plan out of PS
and then somehow re-importing it but I am really afraid to try it with all
the external links as they can be very challenging to re-create.
Any thoughts/insights would be greatly appreciated.
20 large projects that have on average of ~20 external links per plan and we
have been doing this successfully for about 3 months now. We also have the
feature in "Tools > Options" set to "Open the Links Between Projects...
dialog window on project open" so when you open any of these projects this
dialog window is the first thing you see. We use this to ensure that the
project managers remain aware of, and can accept, any changes that may have
occured with the external dependicies/successors.
This has been the norm for over 3 months now without a problem. That is
until a couple of days ago. A couple of days ago this "Links Between
Projects..." dialog window stopped opening automatically at project open in
one of the larger plans (about 1500 line project plan with about 50 external
links) even though this option is still checked in Tools > Options. When a
product like this stops behaving "as advertised", especially in a large
project like this I get concerned about things like corruption problems.
One other thing worth noting. Just before this behavior started this same
project plan had another strange error display right away when you opened the
project. This error is no longer displaying. The warning or error message was
"Invalid Date" and stated what the valid date formats were. You could click
OK and continue *apparantly* without problem. The real frustration with this
warning was that it gave absolutely no indication where the invalid date was
located. The project manager reviewed all baseline and current start & finish
dates and found nothing. One last tidbit I'll add in case it helps is I also
recently saved a new baseline but before I did I did a "Save Interim Plan"
and had the current baseline dates saved into the baseline1 date column. I
haven't checked those dates but plan to this morning in case there was a
problem during the copy.
Part of me wants to try something like saving/exporting the plan out of PS
and then somehow re-importing it but I am really afraid to try it with all
the external links as they can be very challenging to re-create.
Any thoughts/insights would be greatly appreciated.