Discontiquous Selection in Word 2003



Does anyone know if Word 2003 fully supports discontiquous selection. Word 2002 offers limited support for programatically extracting discontiquous selections but I've been unable to find any documentation for this feature in Word 2003


Helmut Weber

some time ago, I asked a similar question and got this
answer by Cindy Meister.
There's next to no programming interface for multiple, separate
selections. It's been a while since I tried anything with it,
but I think the only way to use it is as part of the
WordBasic object model: Wordbasic.selectSimilarFormatting
As I recall, I was told during the Word 2002 beta that the team
had wanted to expose this functionality to VBA, but had run into
problems (time, money), so wasn't able to do so. And apparently it
was "forgotten" as we came into the next version.
Though I think, highlighting or the use of different colors
(> 16,000,000)! for different ranges might be sufficient in some
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP
"red.sys" & chr(64) & "t-online.de"
Word XP, Win 98

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