Discussion Board Options?


Monhegan Man

My discussion board is messing up bad at my site: www.1stregiment.org. I
need to come up with a better discussion board. Several I have looked at
(including Broad Board) require me to FTP files to my site. I have never
used FTP and am worried that mixing FP and FTP will mess up my site? Is this
a silly worry? Can I use FP to do both, or do I need a seperate FTP agent?
Any suggestions on how to integrate a different Discussion Board into my FP
designed site would be greatly appreciated.

Dan L

As I understand it, as long as your discussion board is in a separate folder
(say, discussion_board), FTPing to *that* folder will not mess up the
FrontPage extensions. There are several free FTP programs (such as
FileZilla) you can use.


FTPing to a seperate folder may corrupt the extensions for the entire
web, *unless* that folder is converted to a subweb before using FTP.
When FP opens a web, it checks all the meta files in every folder -
FTP can corrupt just meta-data file in one folder, and kill the

To convert a folder to a subweb, right click on the folder in the
filder/file list, and choose "Convert to web" This must be done both
locally and on the live web. The host must support subwebs.

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