Discussion Group acts oddly in FP2003


K Wengert

I have a site (www.krbikeclub.com) that I created in FP2000. The Discussion
tab worked as expted. When I upgraded to FP2003 and loaded to my host, the
old discussion items don't display, although they are on the host's server.
The host said it's a bug with FP 2003. But more disconcerting is the new
discussions are acting strangely. Say I post a discussion. Then someon else
posts a new discussion. On occassion the same file is used and the new
discussion appends to the old one. It still creates a new entry on my
discussion page, but when you open the new and old one it points to the same
page and the new message is appended to the top of the old one.
Additionally, when you reply to an existing discussion page the 're:' in the
subject line is not the subject from the discussion you're responding to.
Any thoughts? Should I go back to FP2000? And if so, how can I get my old
discussions to post again? Or, should I scrap this discussion in FP2003 and
create a new one? Seems a new one I tested worked ok, at least for my short

Stefan B Rusynko

Your primary problem is the DW is part of your root web and probably is corrupted by publishing to the root
If your host supports subwebs create a new DW as a subweb
(say named http://www.krbikeclub.com/discuss/ )

| I have a site (www.krbikeclub.com) that I created in FP2000. The Discussion
| tab worked as expted. When I upgraded to FP2003 and loaded to my host, the
| old discussion items don't display, although they are on the host's server.
| The host said it's a bug with FP 2003. But more disconcerting is the new
| discussions are acting strangely. Say I post a discussion. Then someon else
| posts a new discussion. On occassion the same file is used and the new
| discussion appends to the old one. It still creates a new entry on my
| discussion page, but when you open the new and old one it points to the same
| page and the new message is appended to the top of the old one.
| Additionally, when you reply to an existing discussion page the 're:' in the
| subject line is not the subject from the discussion you're responding to.
| Any thoughts? Should I go back to FP2000? And if so, how can I get my old
| discussions to post again? Or, should I scrap this discussion in FP2003 and
| create a new one? Seems a new one I tested worked ok, at least for my short
| test.

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