Discussion Group Search



Is there a way to order the search result posts by date? In order to avoid
asking ?'s that have already been answered, I usually run a search of the
group. However, when I get 20 pages returned with stuff from 2004. etc.
included, I usually wnd up just asking the question as opposed to doing an
exhaustive search of the results. Also, is there a way to screen for posts
that just deal with ON 2007?

Kathy Jacobs

If you do the search on Google Groups, you can sort the results by date. To
do this, check the right side of the search results. There is a link there
to sort the results by date instead of relevance. The more recent the post,
the more likely it is that it is a 2007 related answer.


Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I tried this on Google Groups but although it is possible to do what Kathy
says it is far less readable on Google Groups and there are so few results
per page. So - I'll stick with what we've got, although I totally agree with
DaveZ. I wish the discussion could (at least) be restricted to ON 2007. Is
that selfish? Guess so. In the course of all this I discovered you could
search on your own nickname which is a bit neat.

Rainald Taesler

oistrakhan said:
I tried this on Google Groups but although it is possible to do
what Kathy says it is far less readable on Google Groups and there
are so few results per page. So - I'll stick with what we've got,
although I totally agree with DaveZ. I wish the discussion could
(at least) be restricted to ON 2007. Is that selfish? Guess so. In
the course of all this I discovered you could search on your own
nickname which is a bit neat.

Even after having sorted the previous postings you carried on, I
absolutely do not understand what you are after :-(

I'm pretty sure that I previously told you to give up using these
NewsGroups with the really dumb Web-Interface you are using at present.
This Web-Interface has just been put *on*top* of the newsgroups which
are based on the NTTP-technology. It's really primitive.

Just get a proper *NewsReader* (there are quite some sophisticated ones
<!>) or just use what's built-in your OS - "Outlook Express" (if running
XP) or "Windows Mail" (if running Vista) - that's what I do. For me it
would really be impossible to do real *work* in here with what the
web-interface provides ....

I simply can not understand how and why one wants to *work* in these
NewsGroups with such a crippled instrument like the web-interface which
MS does put on top for the real dummies who are unable to use the proper

It's easy enough not only to *sort*, but also to *filter* the messages
if one uses a proper instrument.



Yes you did mention the other way of accessing these discussions - but I
thought you were suggesting it not telling me to do it!! I took your
suggestion seriously and went into Outlook Express (for the first time ever!)
to take a look. [I use Outlook 2007 as a mail client]. For the moment I have
decided to remain as one of the "dummies". I don't go into the groups often
enough to make it worth my while and I like the way I can quickly jump
between ON, Outlook, Word etc. discussion groups. I also just put my own
nickname into the search box to look quickly at threads I have participated
in. The me generation.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion - might do it one day.

Rainald Taesler

Pls excuse me for the late reply. I was away for 2 weeks and thereafter
fell ill for 2 wore weeks. And a lot of work piled up in between ...

oistrakhan wrote:
Yes you did mention the other way of accessing these discussions -
but I thought you were suggesting it not telling me to do it!!

I do not want to *tell* you anything but indeed it was my
suggestion/recommendation to change the tool for working with
I took your suggestion seriously and went into Outlook Express
(for the first time ever!) to take a look. [I use Outlook 2007 as a mail

No problem, OL and OE happily co-exist.
For the moment I have decided to remain as one of the
"dummies". I don't go into the groups often enough to make it
worth my while and I like the way I can quickly jump between ON,
Outlook, Word etc. discussion groups.

It's just the same. Just subscribe to all the groups of your interest
and then jump from one to the other.
I also just put my own
nickname into the search box to look quickly at threads I have
participated in.

Easy enough to do that in OE too.
And a lot more. F.e. marking threads for being watched.
Or coloring threads.
So each posting marked as to be watched is marked red. And each posting
with my address as the sender is marked to be watched and it's colored
So I can easily see all the postings important for me.
It's just one click to use my "watchdog" filter which only shows marked
posting and the stuff I have sent.
The me generation.

Sorry, I don't get that :-( :-(
Anyway, thanks for your suggestion - might do it one day.

De nada.
All the best


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