Discussion Group Searching



Does anyone know why searching in this particular discussion group always
results in: "Your query did not return any results"? I can search in other
discussion groups, but not this one. Very Strange.


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Stacey,

fair enough, it is not the best search, but it depends what words you use.
It works for me if I write specific error words or codes into the search box.
Maybe try smaller sentenses or just one or two words
Hope this helps


Hi Mark,

Thanks for getting back to me. I was searching for the word "Workspace" and
it found none - even though I know I entered one with that word. Sometimes
it works and sometimes it doesn't. I just tried it today and it worked fine.
I know this sounds like "user error", but really, all I'm doing is typing in
workspace into the Search for field and hitting go. Oh well - working fine
now. I wonder if it has something to do with me using Remote Desktop

Have a great day!

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