Discussion Web mystery..



Can anyone help please...?

Posting an article to my FrontPage2003 Discussion web works, I can see it in
the _Discuss folder! But, tocproto.htm will not post results to the
discuss_tocf.htm file???

I.e. when I search for previous posts I just get "Page not found" errors and
no previous posts show up... it's almost like it's looking for a _derived
folder or that nortbots thing - I don't see them anywhere...

Website is http://www.cannonbeachcomputers.com - Bottom of "Services" or
"Support" Page Left Columns is the Discussion Page access...

How come I can't see previous Discussion Posts in the disc*_tocf.htm but I
can see them in the _discuss folder as well as tocproto.htm...

Should I not have changed the default name from Disc1 on creation? or,
Should I not be using GoDaddy (my email form works on the contact page!) or,

Thank you.

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