Discussion web question..



I have a Discussion web on my site (www.migo.org.uk) and was wondering how
do you delete a message posted onto it and the threads ? I know I have to go
onto the site "live" and look in the _disc folder but can I delete them from
the "tocproto" file ? or do I leave that alone ?? any help would be
useful as last time I tried I lost the complete forum !!


Stefan B Rusynko

Do not delete them or you will probably break the DW index or threads
- edit them as say "Post Deleted"
Find the posts using the guidelines at

| I have a Discussion web on my site (www.migo.org.uk) and was wondering how
| do you delete a message posted onto it and the threads ? I know I have to go
| onto the site "live" and look in the _disc folder but can I delete them from
| the "tocproto" file ? or do I leave that alone ?? any help would be
| useful as last time I tried I lost the complete forum !!

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