Discussion Web



Can anyone help - I want to create a discussion forum that users log into. I've veen through this board numerous times and can't find any kind of step by step. I am proficient in MSAccess but could use some guidance in what needs to be in the table and how I link that to my subweb/site what ever you want to call it. I am using FP03 and am hosting on Windows 2000 / NT Server. I read something about not being able to use registrations any suggestions?

I'd even consider using a third party forum provider - I'm not too sure how all those dowloads and software work and how to incorporate them into a FP site. I know a bit back I saw a thread that listed some third party forums one was like $5 a month but I can't find that thread anymore and silly me didn't bookmark that site it linked to - anyone know what it might have been - let you fully customize and had like 3 levels of payment plans.

Thomas A. Rowe

The best option to do a search for ASP based Forum Applications, and not try to create one from

Here is a link to 36 different ASP based forum applications:
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

DDalsass said:
Can anyone help - I want to create a discussion forum that users log into. I've veen through this
board numerous times and can't find any kind of step by step. I am proficient in MSAccess but could
use some guidance in what needs to be in the table and how I link that to my subweb/site what ever
you want to call it. I am using FP03 and am hosting on Windows 2000 / NT Server. I read something
about not being able to use registrations any suggestions?
I'd even consider using a third party forum provider - I'm not too sure how all those dowloads and
software work and how to incorporate them into a FP site. I know a bit back I saw a thread that
listed some third party forums one was like $5 a month but I can't find that thread anymore and
silly me didn't bookmark that site it linked to - anyone know what it might have been - let you
fully customize and had like 3 levels of payment plans.

Thomas A. Rowe

You just download the file to your HD, then unzip, etc., then create a subweb with FP under your
root web on your local machine, then open the subweb in FP, then open the folder on your desktop in
Windows Explorer, select everything, then drag-n-drop in to the subweb, FP will prompt you to create
a connection to the database, say no, then read the instructions for setting up the forum.

Unless your are running IIS locally, you will not be able to test the forum until you have published
to your server.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

DDalsass said:
Hi Tom, I'm scared.... how do these downloads work - when they say you have to load onto server
does that just mean into my website root files or do I have to have the hosting company load the
files onto the server where my site resides? Does the forum get created as a subsite/web or do i
need to set it up as a separate domain and link to it? Sorry if these seem like really basic
questions but it's so much to absorb it all starts to become mumble jumble.

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