Disgruntled employee password protected our Word docs, any backdoo



We have several word documents that are custom built forms with drop down
boxes, check boxes, etc. A former employee messed around with the documents
and typed alot of nonsense on them to be malicious and then password
protected them. Is there any way around the document protection password or
is there some way to save the document another way that would allow me to
edit a new copy of it? The main issue is that this are rather lengthly
documents and we are trying to avoid the time consuming task of having to
rebuild the forms and retype all data from the documents.
Please advise, I am in a real bind here.

Graham Mayor

If the documents are protected for forms then this is easily addressed -
If they are protected against opening then it is not so easy. In that case I
would be inclined to consider legal action..

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Hi William,

As you say - malicious damage. AFAIK, that makes it a police matter. A visit from the local constable should see the miscreant
wanting to minimise the penalties they face.

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