Dishwasher Safe Keyboards and Mice


Don Schmidt

Just sharing some info I came across the other day.

If you are like me, having a cup of coffee, soft drink or even a glass of
wine and a Boscotti there is a good chance some or all will end up on the
keyboard. Unless you use one of those plastic keyboard covers (I presently
do) the keyboard is kaput if a spill occurs.

Well, now there is available a dishwasher safe (and germ free) keyboard and
mouse for those oops moments.

Take a look here:

P.S. I got my present keyboard in 1991 with a Micron Computer and on my
second keyboard cover; next keyboard will be a Seal Shield, me thinks.

I have no connection with Seal Shield or do I sell anything; I'm retired and
devote my spare time to an Asus shopbuilt computer.

Ken Blake, MVP

On Sat, 3 May 2008 09:59:19 -0700, "Don Schmidt" <Don
Just sharing some info I came across the other day.

If you are like me, having a cup of coffee, soft drink or even a glass of
wine and a Boscotti there is a good chance some or all will end up on the
keyboard. Unless you use one of those plastic keyboard covers (I presently
do) the keyboard is kaput if a spill occurs.

Well, now there is available a dishwasher safe (and germ free) keyboard and
mouse for those oops moments.

Take a look here:

P.S. I got my present keyboard in 1991 with a Micron Computer and on my
second keyboard cover; next keyboard will be a Seal Shield, me thinks.

I'll mention three points:

1. At $40 and up these are expensive keyboards. You can buy a regular
keyboard for well under $10. I could go through about 8 regular ones
before I spent $40.

2. Your present keyboard is 17 years old and still going. That doesn't
make it seem like the risk to keyboards is very great. My keyboards
last a long time too and I don't use a plastic cover. I don't use a
cover because it's a nuisance and protecting such a very inexpensive
item just isn't worth the trouble.

3. Any regular keyboard can be washed by immersing it in a bathtub
full of water. Incredible as it may sound, it usually works fine.

No thanks. I'll stick with ordinary cheap keyboards. I doubt very much
that my lifetime bill for keyboards will come anywhere near $40.


I'll mention three points:

1. At $40 and up these are expensive keyboards. You can buy a regular
keyboard for well under $10. I could go through about 8 regular ones
before I spent $40.


I am a refurbisher...
so can re-certify a donated machine and re-license it with win2k or XP.
Since the machines are all donated ...and the license fee is $5...for $40 I
can re-build and re-distribute
a total of 8 complete machines. (Usually p-II's and p-III's)

Years back...I told a friend of mine I could get him a machine,
fix it up and sell it to him at *exactly* my cost...
he took me up on my offer of a pretty decent IBM PS/2

When he came to pick it up...I told him:

Good news, bad news.

The computer, monitor and keyboard ....$5

The mouse.... $6

(I had run out so had to purchase a new one)

A $40 keyboard probably would not have gone over so well !


3. Any regular keyboard can be washed by immersing it in a bathtub
full of water. Incredible as it may sound, it usually works fine.

To be safer, use distilled water.

Ken Blake, MVP

To be safer, use distilled water.

Maybe it's safer, but my view is that buying a couple of dollars worth
of distilled water for extra safety on a $5 keyboard doesn't make much
economic sense.


Maybe it's safer, but my view is that buying a couple of dollars worth
of distilled water for extra safety on a $5 keyboard doesn't make much
economic sense.

Ain't seen a $5 keyboard in 10 years.

That, and you're nit picking.

Ken Blake, MVP

You forgot the $6.95 S&H.

That makes it a $10.90 keyboard. I'll round it up to $11.00

Try again.

Nope, I didn't forget it.

The OP suggested buying a "Dishwasher Safe" keyboard from an online
source. Undoubtedly that has S&H costs too. The point of my reply to
him was that one could buy several ordinary keyboards for the same
price as his special one, and that, in my view, it didn't make
economic sense to buy the special one.

Feel free to disagree, and to buy whatever keyboards you want. I won't
argue with you about it.

Don Schmidt


You've gone to far!! Put off the Boscotti! Madon! Not even the Pope can
forgive you.


Ok Don, so Boscotti is germ free!!....But only if it's double chocolate and
walnut!!! >smile<

Now am I forgiven?


Ken Blake, MVP

Ok Don, so Boscotti is germ free!!....But only if it's double chocolate and
walnut!!! >smile<

I've avoided asking until now, but "boscotti" has been repeated here
enough times that I have to ask: *what* is "boscotti"?

Is this perhaps a repeated typo for "biscotti"?

Charles W Davis

If you are looking for the grungiest, visit a Goodwill Industries store. In
the U.S. they are generally 50 cents.