Disk Full Fix not staying in menu after Word v.X quit


Bruce McL

A client is running Word v.X and receiving the Disk Full Error. I downloaded
the FixDiskFullIssue.dot file and I can get it to show up in the File menu
in Word.

However I cannot get it to stay in the File menu when the client quits Word
and starts it up again. I can see the file in Tools menu: Templates &
Add-Ins. I check the checkbox, but when I quit and start up Word, the box is
unchecked. I'd greatly appreciate a little help with this.

In the long term I plan to switch the client over to Word 2004, but right
now is not a good time, as they are in the middle of a novel and they have a
highly customized environment in Word. I'm worried about losing some
esoteric feature/shortcut/toolbar if I switch her over. Particularly since
the customization was done long before I arrived on the scene.

Daiya Mitchell

I don't know what instructions the FixDiskFullIssue template gives, but for
it to load every time, it needs to be a global template. One can make
templates global either by Adding them in Tools | Templates and Add-ins, or
by putting them in Word's Startup folder.

Assuming you what you have done is Added it in the Templates dialog, perhaps
try putting it directly in the Startup folder (Apps/Office
2004/Office/Startup/Word)? Word should automatically load anything it finds
in the startup folder.

It's conceivable that her highly customized environment is interfering with
loading other templates.

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