dismissed reminders - Outlook 2000


Michael A.

I'll set an all-day event on my calendar and set a reminder for it. some of them are one-time events, some of them are recurring (for example, annual anniversaries). on the day the reminder pops up, I'll either dismiss it then or I'll snooze it for a certain period of time so it pops up again later.
every Monday morning, every reminder I have ever dismissed pops up and I have to dismiss them all again. at last count there were nearly 200 of them popping up, all of them past their dates
how do I get rid of the dismissed reminders once and for all

thank you
Michael A
Hayward, CA

Michael A.

I shut down Outlook, then started it again using the command line switch as suggested. Doesn't seem to have had any effect because the following Monday, problem is still there. Does anyone have other ideas about why every one of my previously dismissed reminders pop up every Monday
Michael A. / Hayward CA

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